Tuesday, February 5, 2013

An Unplugged Weekend With Family

Well y'all, I did it. I went without internet for 3 whole days. In AMERICA!!! It's one of my 30 before 30 challenges and this was the perfect weekend to cut myself off from cyber-land and BE IN THE MOMENT!!!

My older sister and her family were already passing through Nashville with big birthday party plans and I was tempted to join in. Once news got out about my little sister's engagement night being Friday, I knew I couldn't miss such a big weekend with my family.

First thing on Friday night, we toasted to the happy couple!

Then, we celebrated all four birthdays: Nathan, Abigail, Flannery and Levi. Complete with presents, cupcakes and the traditional dance party to the Beatles Birthday Song.

The night continued with the world's biggest bonfire! My brother Jesse can seriously burn some stuff!! We had 6 dried up Christmas trees and enjoyed them all one at a time. At some points, the fire reached almost 40 feet tall!
Photo: Bonfire, with Christmas trees! (@jessemeeks)

It's a miracle, but we actually got some snow!! Saturday morning was spent outside. We had a blast!

Sunday, the gals went wedding dress shopping. Can you believe my sister found her dress? It really is perfect! Plus, Abby HATES to shop, so she's relieved to be done with that part of the wedding planning. I am so grateful I was able to be home this weekend. What a busy three days, but so so blessed!

I love my family. We are weird. We fight. We annoy each other. We get very very loud. I wouldn't have it any other way!!!


  1. so fun!! that bonfire is huge!! little dancing ballerina pictures - so cute!

  2. Christmas tree bonfires are AMAZING
