Sunday, January 27, 2013

The End of an Era

While Lazzy was sick last week, he couldn't suck his thumb because of his swollen throat and mouth. We all thought it was temporary, but as the sickness continued, the thumb continued to get the boot. As he began to heal, I thought "ok, the thumb is coming back. It has to!" but it never did! I even asked Laz if he wanted to suck his thumb at nap time, and he answered "all d-done, d-dum.". WHAT??? I wasn't ready for him to let go of such an important little finger!*

I loved that thumb. It gave me 2 years and 2 months of uninterrupted sleep. It gave me peaceful plane rides and quiet time in the car. That thumb was my saving grace. 

I know people often push the paci for fear of their children sucking their thumbs until they're 15. I never worried about getting Laz to quit. I figured he'd stop when he was ready and I didn't care when that was, I do! I care. It's too soon. I want the thumb.

Alas, he's said goodbye and now, so must I.

*This dramatic sentimental post was brought to you by my alter-ego which apparently wants triplet girls since my boys are becoming men over night. Someone give me a baby, pronto!


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