Monday, October 18, 2010

Fall visitors-Saturday

We had high hopes of going apple picking on Saturday morning, but after our late night slumber party, all we wanted to do was eat breakfast and hang out. We took our visitors to the ever popular and kid friendly Benton Park Cafe. As always, it was great food with friendly service. The best part about eating there is the nearby park. We enjoyed a crisp morning walk while the little guys ran and ran over the bridges and hills. We then spent the rest of the morning at the playground.

Lazzy is looking more and more like his father.

I'm not sure who had more fun, the kids or the adults.

Elijah hasn't been too excited about slides lately. I think he gets bored with climbing up the stairs, especially when the ride is so short. Elijah found a slide worth climbing; 15 foot swirly slide. It took him a good 2 minutes to get to the top, but it was sooo worth it!

We were able to meet everyone's needs while playing at the park. The toddlers got their wiggles out while the babies took their morning naps.

Elijah tried a new trick while on the swings. I call it "dead man swinging".

Once that game got boring, he moved on to the "big boys swings".

After an evening of running in the yard and grilling hamburgers, the kids were in desperate need of baths!

After the kids went to bed, we played games like the good ole times. (sorry no pictures!) It was hard not to stay up too late, but with church the next morning and a guaranteed sleepless night for all, we called it a night before midnight.


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