Saturday, December 10, 2011

Who Wants Ice Cream?

For the third year, we visited Ted Drewes to pick out our Christmas tree and of course, enjoy our free ice cream. The boys ran around and played hide and seek while Dan and I debated our choices.

We go the tree home and then decorated it last Sunday after church. Elijah had fun finding spots for the ornaments with Dan.

Lazzy was obviously a huge help.

Isn't our tree beautiful?
HA! Well, it may not be beautiful to other people, but I love it because Elijah was very involved in decorating it. We don't buy new ornaments every year but stick to our 15 painted ornaments from Malawi and three strands of red wooden beads. It's simple and easy and reminds us of our first Christmas as a family, living so far away from home. Plus, it's not prickly at all but it's fluffy.


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