Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Happy Birthday to me!

I turn 27 today! I'm at my parents house and decided to dig up some old photos of myself, just for nostalgia's sake. Here are some of my portraits from the baby years all the way through high school. Just be careful, some of them are really bad!

Baby Beth!

2 yrs old

3 yrs old

4 years old


1st grade

2nd grade

3rd grade
4th grade

5th grade

6th grade

7th grade
(worst school photo EVER!!! bad bangs and!)

9th grade

10th grade

Senior Portrait

Wow-that was scary fun! Tonight, I get to have birthday dinner with my entire family! I love it when we are all together-crazy, but fun. Happy birthday me!


  1. Happy Birthday, *love* the Bethany retrospective :) I think Baby Beth looks a lot like Baby Laz!

  2. Awww... you were so cute.

    I am so glad you were born

    Happy Birthday honey

  3. Happy Belated Birthday!!

    That was fun to see Bethany through the years. :) I don't think I'm that brave. Plus, too much scanning!

  4. Happy Belated Birthday Bethany! Hope you had a great day :)

  5. funny........I didn't see a bad picture anywhere in the whole bunch....they're all lovely
