Sadly, this was not the type of picnic out in an open field in the shade of a Willow tree. Still, it was fun (and adorable!). Elijah lined up all his friends, gave them each a cup and continued to fill them with hot coffee for the next 45 minutes. Of course, he made sure to tell his friends that the coffee is "HOT".
This just shows how different kids are--Áine would never just sit for 45 minutes like that unless we set a timer and make her play independently. Even then, we usually do not do more than 30 minutes because much longer than that she is going nuts for some social interaction. I used to get frustrated that she would not play on her own very much until V came along and I realized he is the kind of kid that can sit for 45 minutes and play with 1 baby toy and I just realized it is a personality thing for her, not a "spoiled" thing. Thankfully she will be pretty cooperative when we set the timer because I think it is important that she have at least a small chuck of time on her own each day. Anyway, these pictures are adorable!