I admire a mom who knows how to get a great deal but admire her more for sharing her secrets with me! My dear friend Piper is my coupon clipper in crime, if you will. She and I often alert each other if we've found something truly great. This week, thanks to Piper, I have added three new websites to my Bookmarks bar. They are all similar to Groupon in that they feature a new product each day at a huge discount.
Check these three sites daily for great deals on high quality baby gear. Don't wait until nap time, though or the deals might be gone!
I knew Jessica when we were camp counselors one summer. Through her blog, I found yours and ocassionally blog-stalk you. I love your posts and the pics! Keep it up! I finally felt compelled to comment - because I wanted to add to your list of cool website with cheap stuff for parents (and other people) - http://woot.com/ - they have a couple different sections, but one is for kids. They have 1 deal a day and when it runs out, that's it. They also have cool stuff for adults as well. Good luck with potty training!