We will be out of town for Father's Day this year, so I wanted to celebrate a little early. Dan has been asking for a grill since we returned to the States. It's one of those things I felt we didn't need especially since we barely eat dinner together throughout the week. Now that summer is here, I felt it was at least worth looking into. After five minutes on craigslist, I found the perfect thing! Dan not only got the charcoal grill, but a smoker, too. It was brand new but way cheaper on craigslist. I guess I'm glad I looked!
It came in a big box and I needed Eli to help me wrap it up. We had some big sheets of packing paper from moving, so we took it outside and Eli finger painted it.
Later that afternoon, his friends Cana and Eden helped him color the other pieces of paper.
Eli is such a good helper. He even helped Dan open his Father's Day gift.
With my dad being in town and Dan working late, we didn't get to enjoy the grill until Sunday afternoon. We enjoyed the cooler weather (upper 70's) with friends while the kids played in the yard.
Eli went down his little slide (thanks to Vicki Jensen!) a million times. He loves that thing!
He also enjoyed a little chalk snack. The boy loves to eat and has no problem being adventurous.

Speaking of Sundays, my dad played a song at church with the worship team. The singers were perfect for that day, putting their souls into the song. It was awesome.
On Sunday night, we took a walk through the park to get ice cream. Eli rode in the "new" wagon. Grandpa taught Eli how to steer so he could drive himself.
We walked home late in the dark. Eli quickly got comfortable and enjoyed the ride.
My dad stayed until this morning, so we got to enjoy lots of time with him over the weekend. Elijah loved waking up every morning and running into the living room to see "gampa". They had a great time catching up.
It was a jam packed weekend and I was very low energy the entire time. Still, it was really nice to be with my dad for a few days. I probably won't see my parents until the baby arrives in August.
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