Tuesday, April 6, 2010

IT"S A .........


I am officially halfway through my second pregnancy. I can't believe how fast it has gone by. Today, I met Dan for my very first appointment with an official OBGYN. It was interesting. She is great and very supportive of our hopes to have a home birth, so that was a gift from God. We basically just made the appointment for the ultra sound to find out the gender of our babe. After talking about past histories, we finally got to see little one moving around on the screen. For the first 5 minutes, we all thought it was a girl. Baby's legs were close together and nothing was hanging out, so we went with it. But in my gut, I felt like we should wait a little longer. Something in me kept saying "really?? are you sure about that?". After baby started moving a little bit, we saw something that could have been the umbilical chord and we still weren't sure. It turned out to be pretty promising. It brought back memories of finding out that our first child would be a son. It was a sweet moment, one that was quickly interrupted by Dan kissing me on the forehead and rushing out the door for a preaching class. I was so glad he had time before his sermon to come and see our little boy.

During the long drive home, my mind was filled with adorable images of our two boys sharing a room and playing together as friends. I would have been just as happy with a girl, but logistically, it works very well for us to have another boy right now. Being in seminary and living on a tight budget, it helps that we have almost all that we need. Plus, with a girl, I'm pretty sure I would be so tempted with each Target trip that Dan and I would have to start going to counseling regularly. Having a boy might just be better for our marriage right now, ha! Either way, we are thankful to God for this blessing, this gift of life growing inside of me. God is so good!


  1. yay, I have been blog stalking you today to see if you would post. Brothers will be awesome, they will have so much fun and so will you.

  2. So happy for you! And Jessica!! And Ivo who already has a best friend! I hope everything is going well for you and I can't wait to hear more about this little man.

  3. Beth!!! Congrats! Congrats!! How wonderful to have a little brother for Eli! We are just elated for you!

  4. Congratulations! I *love* having 2 boys! I know what you mean about being tempted at Target! :) When I see those adorable girl's dresses I almost buy them even though I have NO_ONE to buy them for! :)

  5. CONGRATS!!! Sorry for my delayed response...so happy for your little family!
