Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Record breaking bed time

Eli's doesn't have a strict bedtime, but has never gone to bed before 7:30pm. I think he's a little night owl. Some nights, we are hosting friends and he likes to be part of all the action. Wednesday nights, we have house church and don't get home until 9pm. If we are ever at the Jensens' house, Eli won't go to bed until after 10pm. It just depends on what we are doing that evening and Eli is usually great at being flexible.

Last Christmas eve, we kept him up until 11:30pm for a church service. That is the current latest bedtime on record. Tonight, Eli was so wiped out that he fell asleep in my lap at 6:30pm while I was reading to him. It was so adorable.
Why was he so tired?? We had a busy morning with friends exploring a beautiful church in the city (sorry, no pictures). Then, Eli failed to enjoy his usual 3 hour nap when he woke up with a dirty diaper 50 minutes into it. This afternoon, we baked and did dishes then had an emotional breakdown when those activities stopped. An hour was spent diligently taking the stickers off each mandarin orange and throwing the stickers away, one at a time.

Then papa got home and the wrestling began. One failed family dinner and two spanks later, the poor boy was plum tuckered. He barely made it through his usual evening cup of milk and was asleep by the second page of our story.

It is the earliest recorded bedtime so far. Let's just hope he sleeps past 5:30am tomorrow morning!


  1. We also love "The Jesus Storybook Bible!"

  2. Charlie went to bed in those jammies tonight too! I'm impressed at his industry regarding the stickers on the oranges....oh the things I have to look forward to!
