Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thankful for Indy!

This year, our family was blessed to spend Thanksgiving with the Partains in Indianapolis and it was a blast! We were so thankful to have been able to travel after a quick 24 hour bug hit Elijah last week. We are thankful for a lot more, too!

I'm thankful that these little people get along so well.

Thankful for my newest nephew, Levi.

Thankful to have spent so much time with Dan.

Thankful for the nice little warm front we had which enabled us to enjoy some playground fun.

My kids watched the Macy's Thanksgiving parade for the first time and they. were. glued.

I'm thankful my kids live close to their cousins. Even more thankful that Amos shared his bed with three other kids all week.

No pictures of the food, but trust me. Thanksgiving happened.

1 comment:

  1. looks like a great trip! great pictures! I LOVE the macy's day parade!
