Saturday, October 2, 2010

Happy Birthday FORAI!

Today, we celebrated FORAI's first birthday. It's crazy to think that we've been meeting together for that long! It's been a busy year with lots of challenges, but God has used it all for good. The women's skills have improved significantly. Many of them have been able to buy their own sewing machines and other materials. Since becoming a business, we have needed to teach the women about a lot of new topics. Today, we spent our ESL time talking about checks and how to cash one at the bank. Most of them come to the meetings regularly and are now getting paid regularly. I pray that in time, the women will be able to help support their families with income from FORAI. We will be busy this fall with selling merchandise at home parties and markets. Pray that these sales will bless the women both financially and emotionally. FORAI gives them hope, something to work toward. Sales give them encouragement, that what they are making is beautiful and worth while. I have enjoyed my involvement in this ministry. Not only have I gotten to know these amazing strong women, but I've grown closer with the other volunteering women in my community. I look forward to another busy year with FORAI.


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